Last week I won some Rude Health Granola in Jemma's giveaway, thank-you Jemma. I've been wanting to try it for ages but not enough to spend almost 6 pounds on it..
I used it to top my peanut butter and honey oats.. and may or may not have sneaked a few little handfuls whilst the oats were cooking... sssshh!
Humungous bowl of porridge.. And I ate it all, we got up late and didn't eat breakfast until after we'd walked Roxie so we ate this at 11.30, I was veeery hungry by then!
We both had the same breakfast and both loved the granola.. I'm going to look into making my own with similarly healthy ingredients but a lower price tag.. Sorry Rude Health I just can't afford to spend that on cereal :-(
After our lazy big breakfast we relaxed a bit, I caught up with blogs and poor Mike got on with an essay.. So I guess I should say I relaxed a bit!! At around 2pm I went for a nice leisurly run... Went far too early after the mega bowl of porridge... It was sloshing around in my stomach the whole time... Yuck!!
Aside from that it was a great run.. I've been thinking, maybe I would benefit from a few weeks of leisurly paced runs, not following any plans just hopefully building endurance up. I'm not sure it's helpful to me to be always running as fast as I can, as tempting as it is! What do you guys think? I still consider myself a very new runner so I'd really appreciate your opinions!
5.2 miles 47.33 - average pace 9.09
Mile 1 - 9.06 (pretty flat)
Mile 2 - 9.38 (big uphill)
Mile 3 - 9.28 (rolling hills)
Mile 4 - 8.30 (big downhill)
Mile 5 - 9.08 (pretty flat)
0.2 8.44 (pretty flat)
I was really surprised that my pace came out in the low 9s I was expecting it to be closer to 10 minute pace. My pace varies quite a bit but I was barely looking at the garmin I was trying to just go on my perceived effort which was easy but still getting a sweat on and breathing a bit heavier than easy without being too hellish!
I came home to hot bath and a pot of tea. Perfect. (if you look at the breadbin you can see a pumpkin splatter from when we carved it, oops!)
My go at one of the eyes - and damn right I got straight in my pjs after my bath! What else are lazy days for!!
Being silly!
This is when we got really out of character... We took it round to show Mike's mum and stepdad before tea and stayed for a
We got home and rather drunkenly made our tea.. Fajitas for Mike and I had nachos.
Excuse the awful pictures... There were some much worse ones haha
Ooops... Nachos take one..
What a fun day! I've somehow escaped a hangover.. It might have had something to do with the masses of water/green tea drunk before bed and the 2 glasses I had every time I woke up during the night.. Unless of course it hits me all of a sudden and I'm in fact writing this still drunk...Hope you're all having fun halloween weekends!
p.s. Can anyone guess who we based our pumpkin on??