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Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Is it Healthy?

It would be hard to write a post today without mentioning the recent article featured in Marie Claire. I'm not going to ramble on about it, I'm sure you've heard enough about it. I just want to say how insulting I found it. The healthy living blog community has actually really helped me in my recovery from an eating disorder. Some of the girls mentioned and lots of the people who read my blog have given me inspiration and a sense of normalcy around food which I had lost. It's not the only factor which has helped my recovery but it's certainly played a part. I found the attack on those girls and the community quite upsetting and just plain awful journalism, badly researched and badly put forward. That magazine along with all those magazines actually could have a negative effect on girls and add fuel to the fire of an eating disorder, I find it so hypocritical that they published such an article. There are pro-ana blogs out there actively encouraging girls to starve themselves or to purge meals, I know because one of them tried to follow my blog before. I blocked them, I have no interest of reading anything like that and never will, furthermore I don't want someone writing a blog like that reading mine. Those are the sort of blogs which should have been targetted if they wanted to write an article like that.. I hope everyone moves on and that the article does not have a negative effect on such an awesome community which I'm really happy to be part of.

Moving on, here's my workout from Sunday, I can't believe I'm only just getting round to posting it, I only have one day off this week (today) so time is short but yay overtime! Here's what we did;
Headstands/ handstands - I actually did a semi alright handstand, then I tried to do it again and totally fell on my head!! My shoulder just decided to buckle, it was one of those half laugh half cry moments I just ended up in the funniest heap on the floor.. good thing I had Mike there to pick me up!
L-sit progressions - These were a bit wobbly today... my core was so sore from Fridays sadistic workout!
Back lever progressions - I really surprised myself with these! I have found getting my legs up to the bar really difficult and could not do it in a controlled way, I'd have to swing them up there so forcefully I'd be swinging backwards and forwards on the bar when I got up there so much that Mike would have to steady me.. I didn't need him this time! Woooooo
Frog Stand - Not much to say about these, they're about the same as last time!

After the gymnastics we did a boxing finisher - 15 minutes on the bag, random times each ranging from 20-30 seconds on then off, you didn't know how long you would be working or how long you would be resting so you had to go all out and just hang on! It seemed to last way longer than 15 minutes. I felt good on the bag though, felt like I was hitting hard and technically well. I'm excited for boxing tonight!

And by the way, I'm off to make pizza now, it isn't low calorie but it will be healthy. I'm making a wholemeal base and it will have plenty healthy balanced toppings, and after I've been boxing tonight I'll be sure to refuel with plenty of it! - So to answer the question in my title, in my opinion it is healthy, this community is positive, healthy and friendly and I'm sure it will remain so.