Yesterday 10 healthy living/fitness bloggers headed to Manchester for a fabulous meetup! In attendance was Jemma (
Celery and Cupcakes), Laura (
Keeping Healthy, Getting Stylish), Jess (
Almost Over Now), Ali (
Almost Athletic Ali), Leigh (
Peanut Butter Nutter), Emily (
Sparkle and Shade), Sarah (
Sweet Potato Sarah), Sarah (
Everyday's a Picnic), Ffion (
Chocolate and Raspberries)
Also, this is my first
WIAW post! Hurrah, I've finally hopped on the bandwagon!
There were some issues with the trains so while we were waiting for everyone to arrive a few of us grabbed coffees/teas/juices at Cafe Nero... I thought I had taken a picture of my coffee but I either imagined that or my camera ate it... Anyway I just had a black coffee... Had it been a bit warmer or at Starbucks I might have treated myself to a caramel frappucino.. I love those! But they're so expensive/nutritionally void I don't get them often..
Once we had met everyone we headed to the
Eighth Day Co-op for lunch and some shopping. I was absolutely starving by this point, I hadn't eaten breakfast 'cause I'd set off so early for my train! I ummed and ahhed at the counter for ages going back and forth between Mediterranean stuffed peppers and goats cheese spinach roulade.. I love goats cheese and spinach but in the end the peppers won out! They were absolutely gorgeous!

I also had a sneaky brownie for desert... it was massive and I'm not sure how I ate it all but I did!

l-r Leigh, Ffion, Ali, Me

l-r Ali, me, Laura, Emily... Ali and I are wall squatting!! Which perhaps explains the slight grimacy smile on my face...

l-r Sarah, Jemma, Jess, Sarah

l-r Sarah, Jess, Ffion, Ali, Me, Sarah, Jemma

After we'd eaten and chatted for a while we headed on upstairs to the food shop! We were like a bunch of kids in a candy shop! I haven't taken pictures of my fabulous haul yet so that will have to be another post!
We went to look round the Harvey Nicks food hall after we'd finished in eighth day.. That was filled with lovely treats, most of which I could not afford! I would have bought some peanut butter chips but they had hydrogenated oil in and I won't eat that so sadly they remained on the shelf.. I also looked at some chia seed cookies but they were out of choc chip, and they were out of oreo cupcakes which I also would have been totally tempted by! Oh well... That gives me a good excuse to go back!
After Harvey Nicks we headed to Kro bar for cocktails... They were yummy, I considered working my way through the menu ;-)
Laura and I shared as it was BOGOF, we chose the Caipirinha first but for some reason they couldn't make that so...

French Martini it was!


Not sure why I didn't huddle in here! I stand out like a sore thumb!

Before Laura and a few other bloggers had to dash for the train we shared another cocktail deal.. Passionfruit martini... wowsers this was strong! But tasty!

Sarah and Emily

Sarah and I then shared a Bagpuss, mainly 'cause we liked the name! But also we had celebrating to do, Sarah had just found out she got a job at waitrose... I'm so jealous of her staff discount!

And it turns out Bagpuss was rather pretty...

I also finished this one off as Leigh wasn't keen, it was rather sickly but I have a sweet tooth... I'm not sure what was in it anymore, despite it's appearance it tasted a bit like a frappucino so I liked it!

Ali, Leigh and Ffion

Ali, Leigh and me

After Ffion and Ali headed to the train station Sarah, Emily, Leigh and I went in search of food and wine and went back to Sarah's swanky Manchester flat. You bet I had some alcohol fuelled greasy chips... I did miss the chip spice though... not sure why that never caught on outside of hull!

I also had a spicy bean and veg burrito from barburrito... love that place wish we had one in Hull

And one or two (*cough* half a bottle *cough*) glasses of very tasty cheap wine... which I got id'd for and we were almost unable to get it, despite me being 26 and the oldest person there!

Bloggers tweeting! I was rather gutted to not have my phone and be able to join in
So yeah... bloggers kind of fail at self portraits... best one I had guys haha!
And then feeling slightly worse for wear made a mad dash for the last train home and just made it! I kind of feel like this post should be WIDW (what I drunk Wednesday) due to the amount of cocktails and wine consumed hehe, fun times! Can't wait to see you all again!