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Sunday, 11 July 2010

Running and Working

As you all know I've been struggling to fit in workouts around work and struggling to find the right balance. On Thursday I decided to run home from work, it's 4 miles, well, just under so I ran around my street for a little bit to top it up hehe! Mike was worried the roads might be too busy but I just paused the watch to cross them and was extra careful! My only problem was carrying my work stuff home in a rucksack, in future I'm going to leave my uniform at work and carry my money and phone home in my handy arm pocket. The run home started off fast but the rucksack soon got annoying, I've got a wierd blood blister thing on my neck where it rubbed yuck! I'm definately going to make this a regular thing though :-)

4 miles in 36.39 average pace 9.10 per mile
Mile 1 - 8.50
Mile 2 - 9.43
Mile 3 - 9.23
Mile 4 - 9.02

Friday was my day off so I got a good workout in in my own time, it was soo hot! I'm looking forward to the cooler weather in terms of my workouts! We did some boxing;

7 x 3 minute rounds, 1 minute rest.

Each round consisted of 1 minute shadow boxing, 1 minute skill work on the bag, 30s shadow boxing, 30s fast power punches on the bag.... was tough!

Today we did gymnastics, we did ;
Handstands... I'm still terrible!
Tuck l-sits
Skin the cat
Frog stand

It felt better this time, I can't believe I managed to do the skin the cat haha, when I flipped over on the pull-up bar and saw the carpet it was wierd, glad I didn't fall on my head! I did have Mike standing there ready to catch me cause I wasn't sure!

I've been taking loads more Roxie pictures! She's growing!! She's learning really well, yesterday I got her to sit, paw, lie down and wait until I told her to eat the treat all with hand signals! She can do it when I say it too, I sound like a proud momma cause I am hehe, Mike's taking her to a training class tomorrow night with a neighbour who has a doberman, I wish I could go too but I'm at my first trustee meeting with SEED, which I'm also really excited about.

This is Roxie last week at my parent's house

Chillin' with her daddy

playing with my little bro and her teddy

Dad trying to play... Roxie was all wiped out after too much excitement!

Struggling to stay awake

Getting to know Tia (she's just been spayed)

her favourite ball...

chillin' again!

Tired pets

getting a treat for playing nice with Tia

This one was after Mike had told her off for something and then turned his back to her, she then lay down next to him mirroring him, I thought it was really funny/cute!
Hope everyone's had a great weekend!


  1. great call running home from work! very smart to do double duty like that. and ah-dor-able dogs!

  2. She's so cute, she has a proper puppy face! Great idea running from work, great way to get a workout in x

  3. What a cute little fuzzball Roxie is! I am so impressed with all those crazy workouts you do! Keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Laura,
    Nice job on getting the runs in after work! It is always such a challenge to get things done in the heat...great pace too!

    I think that Roxie is one of the cutest dogs ever! Thanks for sharing the pictures:) Did Tia freak out at first? If we decided to bring home a dog our cat Lilly would have a fit for sure:)

  5. Hi!
    Look at Roxie! I can tell from Bloggyland that she's growing! so cute;-)

    and to answer your qt re: if me and Ironman Dude ever race together: in triathlons they have athletes start in different waves according to age, so while we have raced a few of the same tri's together, we're always in different waves (and yah...he's a way bit faster than me too;-)

  6. You're so good to run home from work! Roxie is the cutest!

  7. great doggie pics. tunning with a pack on is somethign it takes a while to get used to.

  8. Good job running from work!

    That last pic is hilarious :) Loved the pics...Roxy is one adorable puppy!
