AM - Tempo Run
1 mile easy prescribed pace of 10.11 ran at 10.23 (included running up a flight of stairs which I guess must have slowed me down cause I was on track until then, finished the mile right after)
3 miles at short tempo pace prescribed pace of 8.36, I ran at 8.48 per mile
1 mile easy again, prescribed pace of 10.11, I ran a little faster at 10 minute pace, it didn't feel like I was pushing it too much and I just wanted to get home!
Isometric punches x4 sets Jab/Straight/L.hook/R.uppercut
Push-ups 5x12
Wrist curls 5kg 3x20
Reverse wrist curls 1kg 2x30
Uneven wrist curls 0.5kg 3x20
Core work - 15minutes
Boxing - 2hrs
Warm up - 10 minutes jogging/ stretching
Skipping - 6 x 2min
Heavy bag - 9 x 2min
Power circuit - 20s each station/ 2 rounds
- Bench dips
- Db punches
- Box step ups
- Mountain climbers
- MB Slams
- Shadowboxing
- Military press
- Sit ups with a twist
- DB Shrugs
- Push ups
- Full jumping jacks
- Upright rows
- Leg raises
included 47 push-ups
I have a 6 mile slow run planned today so I'll be back later!
i think tempos are supposed to be really hard. great work and don't worry too much about the pace, it was your first one so youll get where you need to be :)